
High and tight Haircut

The term 'high and tight' as used with reference to the hair style has its origins in the armed forces, in which he used in reference to a specific range of short-cropped hair styles that members of the armed forces wear. True, many of the world's military forces have stopped insisting haircut high and tight for all (serve) their members, but at least, most of the military in the world do they expect people to put on training with high and tight haircut during their training course, with many members who are familiar with the hair and tight haircut during training they choose to keep them for the rest of their military life and even more.

Do not be confused with the word 'high' on 'high and tight haircut' sentences as though they called 'high and tight hair styles' it turned out to be one hair style that is defined by the shortness of the hair is used, because the basic characteristics of hair and pieces tight hair is that the wearer's hair is cut very short indeed.

Close the plant side, the other features that determine the haircut is a pattern of high hair clippings on all sides of the head (including behind), with only the front of the head, (the so-called temple) was left with more hair, at least enough to your hair combed. The reason behind this arrangement, in which the head is cut short, with only the left temple with some of the hair is to ensure a comfortable accommodation of military helmets, which obviously would be very uncomfortable to wear if the whole head was closely cropped.

Important to note that despite the high crop roots in the power of discipline, have for years found widespread appeal among civilians, who loved to, among others, low maintenance costs (both in terms of financial cost and time), and the view which confers to users, especially people who love the masculinity of military high and tight haircut associated with.

It is worth noting that when used outside the military (where it has its place), high and tight haircut will be referred by various other names, the most common hair style that is as 'skin fade' in the United States.

Although quite simple hair style, and although it is itself a variant of the extended family 'crew cut hair style, hair cut high and tight is not at all miss the variations. Indeed, there is quite a good amount of variation in high and tight haircut, the most popular is a reconstruction (which is defined by its boundaries are not pronounced at all sides and the fact there are areas of the head is left with some very minor hair right in the temple), and horseshoe flattop (which is a range of high and tight haircut previously described, in which all sides of the head of closely cropped, but with a relatively large area around the temple's head is left with a certain hair); produce what looks like a typical horseshoe in the head.