
Getting the Right Haircut

Have you ever wondered why when you go to get your haircut it seems as though it was never enough hair stylist cut your hair the same way every time? If this happens to you more times than not, then let me explain.

There are many things to take into account factors; One of them, whether you visit the same stylist every time? Whether you are a fairly new client? Did you get a regular haircut? What if the weather is like outside of the hot, humid, cold, wet or dry? Does your hair stylist in a bad mood are more creative than the last time? Have your stylist has a good memory? Have you explained your haircut right thing? Do stylists fully understand what you want?

The easiest way to explain this is to first explain how the hair grows. Hair Hair generally grows about 1/2 "per month. Also do not grow evenly throughout the head of the few areas on the head grows. Faster than the others plus the hair finer and thinner in some areas of the head of another.

What does this all mean when it comes to getting your hair cut? Well ... let's say you get your haircut every 4 weeks and then you're busy and do not leave again until 7 weeks. Your hair grows out and forms an extra 3 weeks of hair has changed dramatically, depending on how fast your hair grows. Every week you go much longer than the previous designation makes finding previous line of hair pieces more difficult. Plus if you go to a new stylist you just been to a couple of times they may not remember you or cut your hair so it is important to be able to find the path.

The weather can affect it too. If at any time you go and it's cold out and the next time you go it's damp out the pieces of your hair may look different. It may look shorter or longer than normal or texture may look different. So, when you go to a stylist cut your hair, their creative eyes to see something different and can cut your hair a little different to accommodate the changes.

What about your stylist? If your stylist does not have a good memory of it may take some time doing your hair to remember you and your haircut. Is this a bad thing? No, just make sure you explain it the same way each time until you are sure they remember your haircut or they took some pictures with your cell phone to help you both remember.

What about your hairdresser is in a more creative mood? Your stylist may go to a new hair cutting class and have learned new techniques. Based on what your hair done that day, the stylist can decide to use one of these techniques. If a technique that works for your hair than make sure you tell them the next time you go. They may not remember them doing it last time and if your hair is doing something different than the time before they may not remember his own.

Able to explain what you want with the right term: Say you're having trouble finding the words to describe what you want. Do not use terms that you are not sure or do not really describe what you're looking for. This can cause great misunderstanding and you might get something you want. There are better ways to get what you are looking for. One way is to take pictures, if you find some Pics but you only want one thing in every pic nothing. (Example: You want bangs in this pic, but in the other layers and highlights on the other) this helps you out tremendously hairdresser!

Have you ever found yourself do not know what you want at all, no pics and no words to describe what you want? This can be very frustrating for you and your hairdresser. Here is what to do in this situation: Find pics of things you DO NOT want and describe things that have had in the past that you DO NOT like. By doing this, you and your stylist can make something you DO like based on what you do not like.

Stylists are creative beings, therefore, they do not perform like a robot. Their creative eyes to prevent them from seeing the same thing the same way every time. They need your help to create the perfect look for you.

I hope I have provided you with some useful information.