
7 hairstyle favored Men

Setup Tip Hair - There are many reasons men are attracted to you, one of the hair. Select the following alternative hairstyle, which will divert the attention of men, only to you.

Why? Viewed from the perspective of evolution, men like hair that looks neat and healthy. Hair in perfect condition indicates that the owners run a healthy diet and nutritious food. Furthermore, men will think that your perfect match.

How: Use a Flat Iron to straighten hair. When damp hair, use a straightening serum that produces special effects and results of scintillation lasting straightness. After completion dicatok hair, put the finishing touches with a little hair-spray.

Why? Megan Fox attractive not only because the lip or a sexy body. Her long hair styled with a blow but it exudes a natural sheen and softness. Sparkle is a symbol of youth and vitality. Men are interested at all to touch it.

How: In humid conditions, apply hair cream which is softened. Blow your hair with a large round brush. When finished, apply serum superglossy with your finger from the middle to the ends of hair.

Why? Short bob hair cut like Jessica Alba shows neckline and give emphasis to the cheekbones and eyes. Men prefer this style because it looks sexy and simple.

How: Affirm layer with a Flat Iron pieces, clamp all parts of the hair and finish by applying wax on the ends of the hair using your fingers.

Why? Since you do not need to hide behind long hair. With pieces that focus on framing the face, producing the impression that super sensual and intelligent.

The trick: Ask your stylist to cut short hair with bangs cut feature. Bangs with a pointed end gives shape to the face and bangs partially cover the eye area intriguing. Apply wax on the ends of your hair texture so that hair looks.

Why? Kala bun your hair, most seductive part of the body, such as the neck, shoulder, will be prominent. Clearly the men liked this style.

How: Forget the bun tight and stiff. Separate the bangs, and then combine the remaining hair. Bun and use a clamp-clamp clamp small. For bangs, pull back and push up to form a volume in the crown of the head. If the hair is thin, can be aided with a little menyasak, and clips. To make it look natural, do not need to straighten hair with a smoothed. Give enough foam to spruce up the children's hair disturbing.

Why? This order looks simple, elegant and natural. Strands of hair falling around her face a little bit messy but impressive natural. Sometimes men do not want to see hair that is too neat. Even a new hairdo like waking up to attract people because it shows you a relaxed and free.

How: Low Tie your hair and leave a little hair on each side of the face. Ponytail bun was to form the number 8 and clips. Finish with a touch of hair spray to order long-lasting. Give foam in the strands of hair that framed her face, and let loose a natural.

Why? Notice the high school girl high ponytail hair. They look cheerful, fun, and free. That's the impression he wanted from a woman.

How: Before the ponytail, you can curl hair with a curly iron. Use foam for lasting curls. Then the hair with a ponytail in the middle position of the head or slightly higher. Trim finger curls with bangs and layout as you like. Was drawn to the side or backward.