
Order wild hairstyles Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga again create a sensation, not satisfied with the scene appearing lace cap that covers the entire face, latex masks, and even a giant teacup at his head, now styled eccentric singer came up with spectacular hair. When attending an electronics exhibition in Las Vegas, Thursday (7/01/10), Gaga wearing a hat shaped like a series of straw, which is none other than her own hair. Her blond hair turned into a large round hat, with the ends of the tapered and coiled braids at the top of his head. On the right, wavy hair styled ala the 50 years.

So far, it is an appearance dressed 'crush' and extreme ever made chanter song "Just Dance" is. In the event, Gaga announced himself as the Chief Creative Officer for the Polaroid Company (a company specializing in the field of electronics and glasses), in charge of designing fashion products, technology and photography. "In designing or choosing something to wear, I always take the form. The form is a very major thing in appearance," he quoted from Dailymail.